the Cafe

Unlocking creativity through community. Dedicated to supporting and fostering the creative writing…

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Blinding White


The dark approaches, she thinks
as her breath comes back to choke her
and the list of her failures runs —
an old school movie reel —
all stops and starts and static,
stopping at the most embarrassing moments,
as she relives the humiliation,
the knowing that every person she knows
is sniggering behind her back,
reliving her falls every time they see her…

She tries to take solace
in food, in books, in loving arms
but nothing can push away the weight
that has settled on her chest…

She tries to delve deeper
to find her centre, to find inner peace
But the more she digs beneath the dark,
all she finds are

spaces of blinding white emptiness —
scars left over from previous visits…



her emptiness

back at her

This is a response to Jake’s prompt. Love this one, Jake. Thank you 😃

Published in the Cafe

Unlocking creativity through community. Dedicated to supporting and fostering the creative writing community. This is a place for compulsive creators, their work, and their stories. Prompts twice a month and stories published every day(ish). Brought to you by Likewise.

Written by Indira Reddy

Endlessly fascinated by how 26 simple symbols can say so much…

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